The first entry from May 2006 has been revised considerably.
Additional infrared data involving states v2 = 2
and 3 as well as v3 = 1 and v1 = 1
were included along with additional pure rotational data
pertaining to v2 = 2 and 3.
Data for v = 0 and v2 = 1, including
direct-l-type transitions up to J = 35 for
v2 = 1, were reported in
(1) U. Fuchs, S. Brünken, G. W. Fuchs, S. Thorwirth, V.
Ahrens, F. Lewen, S. Urban, T. Giesen, and G. Winnewisser,
2004, Z. Naturforsch. 59a, 861.
Additional v = 0 data come from
(2) G. Cazzoli and C. Puzzarini,
2005, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 233, 280;
and from
(3) F. Maiwald, F. Lewen, V. Ahrens, M. Beaky, R. Gendriesch,
A. N. Koroliev, A. A. Negirev, D. G. Paveljev, B. Vohwinkel, and G. Winnewisser
2000, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 202, 166.
Further direct-l-type transitions 6 ≤ J ≤ 15
were published in
(4) M. Winnewisser and J. Vogt,
1978, Z. Naturforsch. 33a, 1323.
The 2nd entry also employs v2 = 2 and 3
rotational data from
(5) J. Preusser and A. G. Maki,
1993, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 162, 484.
The fit also takes into account the very extensive infrared data
between the various vibrational states from
(6) A. G. Maki, G. C. Mellau, S. Klee, M. Winnewisser, and W. Quapp,
2000, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 202, 67.
The main improvement occured in the partition function, which
is essentially converged at 300 K and probably still good
up to about 500 K. The rotational part is well converged
up to 1000 K. The frequencies are also better at higher
values of J. Predictions above J = 60 and 66 should be
viewed with some caution for direct-l-type and regular
rotational transitions, respectively.
The dipole moment was assumed to be the same as for the main
isotopic species; see
the spin multiplicity gI of 3 for
the 14N nucleus has been considered
in the calculation of the partition function and the
upper state degeneracy gup.
The partition function takes into account all vibrational states
used in the fit.