HOC+, v2 = 1
Hydroxymethylidynium, v2 = 1
Species tag 029505
Date of EntryMar. 2004
ContributorH. S. P. Müller

The observed transitions were summarized in
(1) T. Amano and A. Maeda, 2000, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 203, 140
The dipole moment is assumed to be the same as in the ground vibrational state, see e029504.cat.
The first excited bending state, v2 = 1, see e029505.cat, has been taken into account in the calculation of the partition function. Its energy for J = 1 was determined ab initio in
(2) M. Mladenovic and S. Schmatz, 1998, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 109, 4456
The individual contributions of v2 = 0 and 1 are given in parentheses. The second quantum number (v) is basically redundant.

Lines Listed96
Frequency / GHz< 3552
Max. J40
log STR0-7.0
log STR1-5.1
Isotope Corr.-0.0
Egy / cm–1243.7
 µa / D2.77
 µb / D 
 µc / D 
 A / MHz 
 B / MHz44939.8
 C / MHz 
 Q(300.0)226.8644 (140.1391, 86.7254)
 Q(225.0)149.2537 (105.1693, 44.0844)
 Q(150.0)83.7148 ( 70.2120, 13.5028)
 Q(75.00)35.9229 ( 35.2679, 0.6550)
 Q(37.50)17.8050 ( 17.8019, 0.0031)
 Q(18.75)9.0731 (9.0731)
 Q(9.375)4.7152 (4.7152)
 Q(5.000)2.6931 (2.6931)
 Q(2.725)1.6651 (1.6651)
detected in ISM/CSMno

Database maintained by Holger S. P. Müller and Sven Thorwirth, programming by D. Roth and F. Schlöder