Rotational as well as rovibrational transition frequencies
were reported by
(1) C. R. Markus, S. Thorwirth, O. Asvany, and S. Schlemmer,
2019, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 26406.
Data are limited to Ka = 0 and 1. Therefore, calculations
for Ka = 2 should be viewed with some caution, higher ones
with considerable caution. Transitions above 500 GHz should also be
viewed cautiously.
The dipole moment was taken from a quantum chemical calculation
(2) R. Thackston and R. C. Fortenberry,
2018 Icarus 299, 187.
At low temperatures, it may be necessary to discern between
ortho-H2CNH2+ and
para-H2CNH2+. The para
states are described by Ka being even, the
ortho states by Ka odd.
The nuclear spin-weights are 5 and 3 for ortho
and para states, respectively.