Vinylamine has a double minimum potential. The 0
tunneling state is 45.18 cm1
or 1.35 THz higher in energy than the 0+ state.
Strong a-type and weak b-type transitions occur
within the states while strong c-type transitions
are allowed between the states. The lines within
the 0+ and 0 states
have been summarized by
(1) R. D. Brown, P. D. Godfrey, B. Kleibomer, A. P. Pierlot, and D. McNaughton,
1990, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 142, 195.
Transitions between the states have been described in
(2) D. McNaughton and E. G. Robertson,
1994, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 163, 80.
With respect to the Sep. 2000 entry, the authors of (2) have
kindly provided transition frequencies with uncertainties from
(1) and (2). The parameter set is slightly more extensive than
that in (2).
Transitions with uncertainties larger than 0.3 MHz have
not been merged.
The a- and b dipole moment components were determined
in (1). The total dipole moment has been evaluated in
(3) H. M. Badawi, 2005, J. Mol. Struct., Theochem
726, 253.
The differences between the calculated total dipole moment and the
experimentally determined components suggests the c-component
between the states to be of order 1 D, maybe even slightly higher.
Since this value is not known accurately and since the transitions
between the states occur in very differnt frequency regions, a
separate entry is provided for transitions between the tunneling states,
Frequency predictions for J > 30 and for
Ka > 20 should be viewed with caution.
In addition, predictions for frequencies and intensities of some
strongly perturbed transitions may be less reliable.