The N-protonated nitrous oxide is about 2000 K
higher in energy than the O-protonated nitrous oxide.
Frequencies of the hyperfine resolved J =
1 0 transition were
published by
(1) M. C. McCarthy, O. Martinez, Jr., K. N. Crabtree,
V. Lattanzi, S. E. Novick, and S. Thorwirth,
2013, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 9968.
Additional spectroscopic parameters were mostly derived
from that work. The predictions were truncated above
Ka = 0.
Predictions should be viewed with caution.
14N hyperfine splitting can be resolved
at low quantum numbers. Therefore, a separate
calculation with
14N hyperfine splitting is provided
up to J" = 2 together with
partition function values.
The ab initio dipole moment value was reported in (1).
The molecules has a large b-dipole moment component
(1.29 D), but transitions can not be predicted with
confidence from the present data.