The experimental frequencies have been reported
(1) C. J. Nielsen, 1973, PhD thesis,
Københavns Universitet, Denmark;
and from
(2) A. S. Kutsenko, R. A. Motiyenko, L. Margulès,
and J.-C. Guillemin,
2013, Astron. Astrophys. 549, Art. No. A128.
Claus Nielsen and Matt Johnson are thanked for
providing the data from (1).
The data from (2) were provided as if they showed
14N hyperfine splitting, though this applies
only to a part of the data. Because of the extensive data
set, no adjustements were made at present. Moreover,
the data from (1) were treated accordingly, and no
lines have been merged. Nevertheless, all experimental
data can be viewed as recommended, though calculated
frequencies should be prefereed in cold astronomical
Three diagonal octic distortion parameters were
estimated by scaling values from HC(O)NH2
and DC(O)NH2.
Predictions with uncertainties larger than 0.5 MHz
should be viewed with caution. This is unlikely to be
a limitation for any astronomical observations.
14N hyperfine splitting may be resolved
for low values of J. Therefore, a
separate hyperfine calculation is provided for
J" = J' ≤ 10 and
frequencies below 200 GHz. HFS caused by the
D nucleus has not been resolved in the laboratory
and is not likely to be resolved in astronomical sources.
The partition function includes the 14N
spin mulitiplicity. Vibrational contributions to the
partition function will be provided in the future.
The dipole moment was assumed to agree with that
of the main isotopolog, which was determined
(3) R. J. Kurland and E. B. Wilson,
1957, J. Chem. Phys. 27, 585.