The entry is based on a recent report by
(1) L. Bizzocchi, V. Lattanzi, J. Laas, S. Spezzano, B. M. Giuliano,
D. Prudenzano, C. Endres, O. Sipilä, and P. Caselli,
2017, Astron. Astrophys. 602, Art. No. A34.
As in that study, additional data were taken
(2) M. Bogey, C. Demuynck, J.-L. Destombes, and A. Krupnov,
1988, J. Mol. Struct. 190, 465.
The ground state of HO13CO+ is perturbed
by the excited v5 = 1 state.
Since the molecule has been detected thus far in cold
environments only, transition frequencies with
Ka = 3 and higher were omitted from the fit,
and the predictions were limited to Ka ≤ 2.
Predictions with uncertainties larger than 0.2 MHz
or b-type transitions with Ka = 2
should be viewed with caution.
The dipole moment was assumed to agree with that of
HOCO+, see
Note that the values
of the two components have essentially been interchanged
with respect to earlier calculations.