The anti-conformer of H2NSH is lowest
in energy. According to relative intensity measurements,
the syn-conformer is roughly 87 cm–1
or 125 K higher in energy. As this difference is very uncertain,
the two conformers were treated as separate molecules.
The experimental millimeter wave lines are
(1) F. J. Lovas, R. D. Suenram, and W. J. Stevens,
1983, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 100, 316.
The line list is rather limited. No 14N
hyperfine structure splitting was resolved for this conformer.
In the present fit, it was assumed that the frequency
of the J = 3 – 2, Ka
= 2 transitions refers to only the higher frequency
transition. In addition, a 1 MHz typographical error
was assumed for the J = 4 – 3,
Ka = 3 transitions.
The calculation has been truncated at J = 10
and Ka = 3. Frequencies involving
higher J and Ka should be viewed
with caution.
The 14N hyperfine splitting may be resolved for
lower J transitions. Therefore, a separate
hyperfine calculation is provided assuming the HFS
parameters of both conformers to be very similar, as
suggested by unpublished quantum chemical calculations.
The 14N spin multiplicity of 3 was considered
in the calculation of the partition function !
The dipole moment components were determined experimentally
for the perdeuterated isotopolog in (1). The a-component
agrees well with quantum chemical calculations whereas the
very uncertain b-component appears much larger
as indicated below. However, b-type transition
can not be calculated reliably at present because
of the limited data set.