The syn-conformer of H2NSH is roughly
87 cm–1 or 125 K higher in energy than the
anti-conformer. As this difference is very uncertain,
the two conformers were treated as separate molecules.
The experimental millimeter wave lines are
(1) F. J. Lovas, R. D. Suenram, and W. J. Stevens,
1983, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 100, 316.
The line list is quite limited. The calculation has been
truncated at J = 24 and Ka = 2.
Frequencies with calculated uncertainties exceeding
0.2 MHz should be viewed with caution.
The 14N hyperfine splitting may be resolved for
lower J transitions. Therefore, a separate
hyperfine calculation is provided.
The 14N spin multiplicity of 3 was considered
in the calculation of the partition function !
The dipole moment components were determined experimentally
in (1).