The transitions frequencies were reported
(1) O. Martinez, Jr., V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth,
and M. C. McCarthy,
2013, J. Chem. Phys. 138, Art. No. 094316.
14N hyperfine splitting was resolved
in some transitions.
Predicted transition frequencies with
Ka = 0 may be reliable up
to 120 GHz, those with Ka = 1
maybe up to 80 GHz. Data involving still higher
Ka should be viewed with even greater caution.
14N hyperfine splitting can be resolved
at low quantum numbers. Therefore, a separate
calculation with
14N hyperfine splitting is provided
up to J' = 3 and Ka = 1
together with
partition function values.
The a-dipole moment component is from a calculation in (1);
b-transitions can not be predicted reliably at present.