The experimental laboratory frequencies were summarized
(1) M. Bogey, C. Demuynck, J. L. Destombes, Y. Vallee,
and J. L. Ripoll,
1995, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 172, 344.
The total dipole moment was taken from an ab initio
calculation published in
(2) A. Császár,
1989, Chem. Phys. Lett. 162, 361.
The ratio of the a- and b-dipole moment components
was determined in (1) from relative intensity measurements.
The 14N hyperfine splitting may be resolvable at
lower frequencies or at lower quantum numbers.
Therefore, a separate
calculation with hyperfine structure is available
up to 300 GHz and with J´ up to 25.
In the general entry, the spin-multiplicity of the 14N
nucleuis was not considered in the calculation of the
partition function. However, values in parentheses do include it.
Predictions of transitions with very high quantum numbers or at rather
high frequencies should be viewed with caution. Transition frequencies
with predicted uncertainties of less than 1 MHz should be reliable.