An isotopic independent fit was performed by
(1) H. S. P. Müller, 2021, unpublished.
The J = 1 – 0 transition frequencies of
MgS, v = 0, 1, and of 25MgS, 26MgS,
and Mg34S were reported by
(2) K. A. Walker and M. C. L. Gerry,
1997, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 182, 178.
Additional millimeter and lower submillimeter data of
MgS in v = 0 were published by
(3) S. Takano, S. Yamamoto, and S. Saito,
1989, Chem. Phys. Lett. 159, 563.
Information on the vibrational spacing was taken
(4) M. Marcano and R. F. Barrow,
1970, Trans. Faraday Soc. 66, 2936.
Uncertainties in (3) were taken as 3σ and adjusted
accordingly. Nuclear spin-rotation was considered for the
25MgS data from (2). This hyperfine splitting, however,
is very small and can be neglected for astronomical observations.
The ground state transition frequencies should be reliable
throughout, the ones of the excited state should be viewed
with some caution.
The ground electronic state of MgS is probably perturbed
by low-lying excited states, similar to MgO. This makes
extrapolation to higher v even more questionable
than under normal circumstances. This will also affect
the partition function non-neglibly at temperatures of
500 or 1000 K and higher.
The dipole moment was taken from a quantum-chemical
calculation in
(5) G. Chambaud, M. Guitou, and S. Hayashi,
2008, Chem. Phys. 352, 147.
Isotopic changes and possibly also rotational changes
in the dipole moment can be neglected, vibrational changes
possibly not.