CH3C(O)NH2, vt = 1
Acetamide, vt = 1
Species tag 059519
Date of EntryNov. 2024
ContributorV. V. Ilyushin

The entry is based on
(1) V. V. Ilyushin, E. A. Alekseev, S. F. Dyubko, I. Kleiner, and J. T. Hougen, 2004, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 227, 115.
The study combines rotational data pertaining to vt = 0 to 2; several of these data are rovibrational transitions between the torsional states facilitated by torsion-torsion interaction as a consequence of the very low barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group. The vt = 1 data are entirely from this work. The entire data set was refit by
(2) V. V. Ilyushin, 2017, unpublished.
employing the RAM36 code from
(3) V. V. Ilyushin, Z. Kisiel, L. Pszczółkowski, H. Mäder, and Jon T. Hougen, 2010, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 259, 26.
The calculated frequencies are limited in J (30), frequency (300 GHz), and vt (2). Nevertheless, the identification of acetamide is possible also in warm sources. Data higher in J, frequency, and vt have been obtained, but the analysis is complex for several reasons, of which one are perturbations in vt = 3 by the NH2 wagging state, which affects lower vt through torsion-torsion interaction. Transition frequencies with calculated uncertainties of 0.1 MHz and more should be viewed with some caution.
The quantum numbers are J, Ka, Kc, and m. The values –3 and –2 of m correspond to A and E symmetry lines, respectively, of vt = 1.
Please note: No experimental lines have been merged in the present entry. The list of experimental lines (with reference labels) can be accessed in the catalog archive section.
Please note also: The quantum number assignment applied in (2,3) differs from the one in (1). This leads to occasional differences in the Ka and Kc quantum numbers.
The partition function takes into account higher torsional states, but no small amplitude vibrations. The NH2 wagging fundamental is at 259 cm–1, hence its contributions are very small at 100 K and modest at 150 K. More detailed information is available.
The ground state dipole moment components were determined in
(4) T. Kojima, E. Yano, K. Nakagawa, and S. Tsunekawa, 1987, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 122, 408.

Lines Listed10217
Frequency / GHz< 300
Max. J30
log STR0 
log STR1 
Isotope Corr. 
Egy / cm–125.323 / 49.216
 µa / D1.22
 µb / D3.47
 µc / D 
 A / MHz10771.96
 B / MHz9334.594
 C / MHz5156.779
detected in ISM/CSMyes

Database maintained by Holger S. P. Müller and Sven Thorwirth, programming by D. Roth and F. Schlöder