The rotational transition frequencies were reported
(1) D. T. Halfen, J. Min, and L. M. Ziurys,
2016, J. Mol. Spectrosc., in press.
At low to moderate quantum numbers, the hyperfine
splitting is much larger or about as large as the fine
structure splitting. Therefore, the coupling scheme
employed was: N + I
= F1, F1 + S
= F; in contrast to (1), where the
conventional coupling scheme was used.
Also used in the fit were magnetic transitions
using RF- or MW-optical double resonance spectroscopy
(2) W. J. Childs and T. C. Steimle,
1988, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 168.
Splitting caused by HFS and FS are essentially collapsed
at wavelengths shorter than about 1 mm. Therefore,
the standard entry does not provide these
splttings. For observations at longer wavelengths,
a separate prediction with
45Sc hyperfine and fine structure splitting
is available together with appropriate
partition function values.
Predictions may be reliable up to about 1000 GHz.
The dipole moment was reported by
(3) J. Shirley, C. Scurlock, and T. C. Steimle,
1990, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 1568.