Rotational transition frequencies were reported mostly
(1) F. C. Wyse, and W. Gordy,
1972, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 2130.
Very accurate ground vibrational and ground rotational
transition frequencies were published by
(2) K. D. Hensel, C. Styger, W. Jäger, A. J.
Merer, and M. C. L. Gerry,
1993, J. Chem. Phys. 99, 3320.
Also used in the model were rovibrational transition
frequencies from
(3) H. G. Hedderich, M. Dulick, and P. F. Bernath,
1993, J. Chem. Phys. 99, 8363.
The quality of the data from (3) differs very much.
Unfortunately, no individual uncertainties were given.
Therefore, lines with large residuals were omitted,
and uncertainties were estimated for the remainder
of the lines in each state and for each isotopolog.
The present analysis follows largely the constrained
one from that work.
The calculated transitions should be accurate enough for
all observational purposes. Some caution may be advised
for those at high v (9 and 10, possibly 8) and
higher J.
Al or Cl hyperfine splitting may be resolvable at very low
J, but these transitions are likely too weak
to be observable.
The first 20 vibrational states were included in the
calculation of partition function values.
The dipole moments from a quantum-chemical calculation
were reported by
(4) M. Yousefi and P. F. Bernath,
2018, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 273, Art. No. 8.