Carbonyl sulfide, 13C, 34S isotopomer
Species tag 063502
Date of EntryApr. 2005
ContributorH. S. P. Müller

The experimental lines are from
(1) A. G. Maki and D. R. Johnson, 1973, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 47, 226; from
(2) A. Dubrulle, J. Demaison, J. Burie, and D. Boucher, 1980, Z. Naturforsch. 35a, 471; from
(3) A. V. Burenin, E. N. Karyakin, A. F. Krupnov, S. M. Shapin, and A. N. Val'dov, 1981, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 85, 1; and from
(4) J.-U. Grabow and W. Stahl, 1990, Z. Naturforsch. 45a, 1043.
Predictions beyond J = 60 should be viewed with some caution.
The 13C nuclear spin-rotation splitting may be resolved for the J = 1 – 0 transition; the splitting is about 5.0 kHz for this transition with an intensity ratio of 1 : 2 (4). This splitting is unlikely to be resolved for higher J because it is only about 3.4 kHz between the strong hfs components. The 13C spin multiplicity of 2 was not considered in the calculation of the partition function !
The dipole moment was derived from
(5) K. Tanaka, T. Tanaka, and I. Suzuki 1985, J. Chem. Phys. 82, 2835.

Lines Listed99
Frequency / GHz< 1166
Max. J99
log STR0-6.5
log STR1-5.6
Isotope Corr.-3.34
Egy / (cm-1)0.0
 µa / D0.7155
 µb / D 
 µc / D 
 A / MHz 
 B / MHz5911.73
 C / MHz 
detected in ISM/CSMno

Database maintained by Holger S. P. Müller and Sven Thorwirth, programming by D. Roth and F. Schlöder