The transition frequencies are from astronomical observations
(1) C. Cabezas, E. Roueff, B. Tercero, M. Agúndez,
N. Marcelino, P. de Vicente, and J. Cernicharo,
1982, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 92, 497.
The line at 47696.5 MHz appears to be slightly blended
and displayed somewhat larger residuals in the fits; its
uncertainty was increased slightly. Estimates of two
sextic distortion parameters do not affect the fit much,
but may improve the calculations somewhat at higher J
or Ka.
The calculation is sufficiently accurate for observations
in cold sources, possibly not in luke-warm souces.
The calculation was truncated at 200 GHz and at
Ka = 5. Transitions with
Ka > 2 or above 100 GHz
should be viewed with caution.
Quadrupole splitting due to the 14N nucleus may
be resolvable for low J. A separate
hyperfine calculation is provided for
Ka ≤ 1 and J up to 5.
The spin-multiplicity was considered in the calculation of
the partition function.
The dipole moment of the main isotopic species
is from
(2) M. Bester, K. M. T. Yamada, G. Winnewisser,
W. Joentgen, H.-J. Altenbach, and E. Vogel,
1984, Astron. Astrophys. 137, L20.