Vinyloxirane, ethenyloxirane, 3,4-epoxy-1-butene, butadiene monoxide
Species tag 070517
Date of EntryFeb. 2025
ContributorH. S. P. Müller

Transition frequencies were summarized in
(1) A. Alasmari, C. Medcraft, K. Rolfe, C. Ennis, and E. G. Robertson, 2024, J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 5969.
The authors provide extensive microwave data up to high quantum numbers. Also used in the fit were earlier lower millimeter wave data from
(2) T. Ikeda, K. V. L. N. Sastry, and R. F. Curl, Jr., 1975, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 56, 411.
The quoted uncertainties in (1) are somewhat conservative. The uncertainties applied here are closer to the ones implicitely assumed in (1). The parameter set is marginally different from the ones in (1). The frequency calculation was truncated at J = 99. The calculated transition frequencies should be sufficiently accurate for observational purposes; the ones with calculated uncertainties exceeding 0.1 MHz should be viewed with caution.
The dipole moment was determined in (2).

Lines Listed15455
Frequency / GHz< 400
Max. J99
log STR0-14.0
log STR1-6.0
Isotope Corr. 
Egy / (cm–1)0.0
 µa / D0.72
 µb / D1.69
 µc / D0.39
 A / MHz17367.29
 B / MHz3138.208
 C / MHz3043.676
detected in ISM/CSMno

Database maintained by Holger S. P. Müller and Sven Thorwirth, programming by D. Roth and F. Schlöder