The molecule is better viewed as chloropropadienylidenyl
rather than chloropropynylidyne because of the cumulenic
CC bonds. Moreover, its non-linear character has a slight
imprint on the measured lines. Several components of
four low-lying rotational transitions have been reported
(1) T. Yoshikawa, Y. Sumiyoshi, and Y. Endo,
2009, J. Chem. Phys. 130, Art. No. 094302.
Information on higher K levels is available from
the ab initio rotational constants in (1). Because of the
magnitudes of the hyperfine and fine structure parameters,
the electron spin angular momentum was coupled to the
rotational angular momentum after the nuclear spin
angular momentum, in contrast to (1).
Predictions are limited to Ka = 0.
They may be sufficiently reliable up to about 100 GHz.
The partition function considers higher Ka
The ab initio a-dipole moment component was reported
in (1).