The transition frequencies were reported by
(1) Z. Buchanan, K. L. K. Lee, O. Chitarra, M. C. McCarthy,
O. Pirali, and M.-A. Martin-Drumel,
2021, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 377, Art. No. 111425.
The transition frequencies should be sufficiently accurate for all
observational purposes. Transitions with ΔKa
= 2 and with calculated uncertainties exceeding 0.2 MHz should be
viewed with caution.
14N hyperfine splitting may matter
in astronomical observations. Therefore, a
separate hyperfine calculation is provided for
J' ≤ 20 below 22.2 GHz along with
separate partition function values.
Spin-statistics have been considered in the calculation
of the intensities. They are 5 : 3 for
transitions with even and odd Ka,
The dipole moment is from a quantum-chemical calculation in (1).