===== On Hydroxypropanone, CH3C(O)CH2OH, in Space ===== Y. Zhou, D.-H. Quan, X. Zhang, and S.-L. Qin\\ reported on the\\ **[[https://doi.org/10.1088/1674-4527/20/8/125|Detection of Hydroxyacetone in Protostar IRAS 16293–2422 B]]**\\ //Res. Astron. Astrophys.// **20**, (2020) Art. No. 125.\\ The detection was made employing the ALMA Band 4 Science Verification data of IRAS 16293–2422 around 146 and 157 GHz. The number of unblended to moderately blended lines appears to be sufficient.\\ ---- Contributor(s): H. S. P. Müller; 08, 2020 ----