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Home page of the I. Physikalisches Institut der Universität zu Köln
The laboratory spectroscopy page
Some spectroscopy groups and persons:
- Universität Kassel, Germany; Thomas Giesen.
- Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences); Zbigniew Kisiel's Programs for ROtational SPEctroscopy, PROSPE.
- The Toyama Microwave Atlas for spectroscopists and astronomers by Kaori Kobayashi et al.
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Wolfgang Jäger.
- Spectroscopy Group, Harvard University; Mike McCarthy, Pat Thaddeus et al.
- Shizuoka University, Japan; Toshiaki Okabayashi's Home Page for Microwavers.
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Yunjie Xu.
The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC)
The JPL millimeter and submillimeter spectroscopy page
- The JPL catalog search form
NIST Physical Reference Data.
The NIST recommended rest frequencies search form
The HITRAN database.
The GEISA database.
The ExoMol database.
Dave Woon's Astrochymist web page.
Astrophysics Data System abstract and article service at CDS or at ESO.
PSIgate Physical Sciences Information Gateway.