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molecules:ism:ch3oh [2022/04/29 13:35] muellermolecules:ism:ch3oh [2024/08/26 15:08] (current) mueller
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 **[[|First Detection of Triply-deuterated Methanol]]**\\ **[[|First Detection of Triply-deuterated Methanol]]**\\
 //Astron. Astrophys.// **416**, 159–163 (2004).\\ //Astron. Astrophys.// **416**, 159–163 (2004).\\
-A dozen lines of CD<sub>3</sub>OH were detected around 158 GHz with very modest to reasonable signal-to-noise ratios employing the IRAM 30 m telescope. +A dozen lines of CD<sub>3</sub>OH were detected around 158 GHz toward IRAS 16293−2422 with very modest to reasonable signal-to-noise ratios employing the IRAM 30 m telescope. The column density of CH<sub>3</sub>OH was derived from that of <sup>13</sup>CH<sub>3</sub>OH. The CH<sub>3</sub>OH  : CH<sub>2</sub>DOH : CHD<sub>2</sub>OH  : CD<sub>3</sub>OH ratios were about 126 : 38 : 7.7 : 1.\\ 
--------+V. V. Ilyushin, H. S. P. Müller, J. K. Jørgensen, S. Bauerecker, C. Maul, R. Porohovoi, E. A. Alekseev, O. Dorovskaya, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, and R. M. Lees\\ 
 +carried out an\\ 
 +**[[|Investigation of the Rotational Spectrum of CD<sub>3</sub>OD and an Astronomical Search toward IRAS 16293–2422]]**\\ 
 +//Astron. Astrophys.// **677**, Art. No. A49 (2023).\\ 
 +The authors found some evidence for the presence of this isotopolog in PILS data toward this low-mass protostar. About seven lines are not blended to only partially blended; the signal-to-noise ratio of some lines is only modest. The derived abundance of 0.02 % with respect to the main isotopolog may be reasonable compared to 0.33 % obtained for CD<sub>3</sub>OH described below. Nevertheless, the identification should be viewed as very tentative because of the limited amount of lines and the complexity found in deueration ratios. Identifications of CH<sub>2</sub>DOD and also CHD<sub>2</sub>OD should be more promising.\\ 
 +H. S. P. Müller, V. V. Ilyushin, A. Belloche, F. Lewen, and S. Schlemmer\\ 
 +reported on an\\ 
 +**[[|Investigation of the Rotational Spectrum of CH<sub>3</sub><sup>17</sup>OH and its Tentative Detection toward Sagittarius B2(N)]]**\\ 
 +//Astron. Astrophys.// **688**, Art. No. A201 (2023).\\ 
 +The authors report a tentative detection of this isotopolog in the ReExploring Molecular Complexity with ALMA survey at 3 mm. Only one unblended and one partially blended line were identified, many more were severely bleded or too weak. The derived CH<sub>3</sub><sup>18</sup>OH to CH<sub>3</sub><sup>17</sup>OH ratio of ~3.3 is along <sup>18</sup>O to <sup>17</sup>O ratios found for other molecules in the Galactic Center as is the CH<sub>3</sub><sup>16</sup>OH to CH<sub>3</sub><sup>18</sup>OH ratio of 240.\\ 
 +=== Vibrationally Excited Methanol ===
 F. J. Lovas, R. D. Suenram, L. E. Snyder, J. M. Hollis, and R. M. Lees\\ F. J. Lovas, R. D. Suenram, L. E. Snyder, J. M. Hollis, and R. M. Lees\\
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 **[[|Detection of the Torsionally Excited State of Methanol in Orion A]]**\\ **[[|Detection of the Torsionally Excited State of Methanol in Orion A]]**\\
 //Astrophys. J.// **253**, 149–153 (1982).\\ //Astrophys. J.// **253**, 149–153 (1982).\\
-Three lines partaining to four transitions of torsionally excited methanol were detected with the 11 m Kitt Peak radio telescope at 3 mm.+Three lines partaining to four transitions of torsionally excited methanol were detected with the 11 m Kitt Peak radio telescope at 3 mm.\\ 
 +V. V. Ilyushin, H. S. P. Müller, J. K. Jørgensen, S. Bauerecker, C. Maul, Y. Bakhmat, E. A. Alekseev, O. Dorovskaya, S. Vlasenko, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, K. Berezkin, and R. M. Lees\\ 
 +investigated the\\ 
 +**[[|Rotational and Rovibrational Spectroscopy of CD<sub>3</sub>OH with an Account of CD<sub>3</sub>OH toward IRAS 16293−2422]]**\\ 
 +//Astron. Astrophys.// **658**, Art. No. A127 (2022).\\ 
 +Using the Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey (PILS) carried out with ALMA, several lines of torsionally excited CD<sub>3</sub>OH were detected between 329 and 363 GHz; nine unblended or only slightly blended lines of this vibrationally excited state were shown in a figure around 350.6 GHz. The rotational temperature was ~225 K, and the CH<sub>3</sub>OH to CD<sub>3</sub>OH ratio was about 300. Lines of torsionally excited deuterated methanol will be more prominent for <sup>12</sup>C isotopologs containing fewer D atoms.\\ 
 +V. V. Ilyushin, H. S. P. Müller, M. N. Drozdovskaya, J. K. Jørgensen, S. Bauerecker, C. Maul, R. Porohovoi, E. A. Alekseev, O. Dorovskaya, O. Zakharenko, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, L.-H. Xu, and R. M. Lees 
 +reported on the\\ 
 +**[[|Rotational Spectroscopy of CH<sub>3</sub>OD with a reanalysis of CH<sub>3</sub>OD toward IRAS 16293–2422]]**\\ 
 +//Astron. Astrophys.// **687**, Art. No. A220 (2024).\\ 
 +Unsurprisingly, the authors detected in their PILS data also many lines of CH<sub>3</sub>OD in //v//<sub>t</sub> = 1. These lines were instrumental in determing the rotational temperature of ~190 K, which is in accord with ~225 K mentioned in the previous paragraph, but considerably lower than the estimated ~300 K earlier. Adopting earlier values, the amount of CH<sub>3</sub>OD is ~0.32 % that of CH<sub>3</sub>OH, and the CH<sub>2</sub>DOH to CH<sub>3</sub>OD ratio is ~22.5, which translates into a deuteration ratio per H atom of ~7.5.\\ 
 +H. S. P. Müller, V. V. Ilyushin, A. Belloche, F. Lewen, and S. Schlemmer\\
 +reported on an\\
 +**[[|Investigation of the Rotational Spectrum of CH<sub>3</sub><sup>17</sup>OH and its Tentative Detection toward Sagittarius B2(N)]]**\\
 +//Astron. Astrophys.// **688**, Art. No. A201 (2023).\\
 +The authors report a tentative detection of torsionally excited CH<sub>3</sub><sup>18</sup>OH in the ReExploring Molecular Complexity with ALMA survey at 3 mm besides several a clear identification of this isotopolog in its ground torsional state.\\
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-Contributor(s): H. S. P. Müller; 04, 2022+Contributor(s): H. S. P. Müller; 04, 2022; 08, 2024
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  • molecules/ism/ch3oh.1651232111.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/04/29 13:35
  • by mueller