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molecules:ism:cyanocyclopentadien [2021/04/12 17:44] – created muellermolecules:ism:cyanocyclopentadien [2021/04/13 11:32] (current) mueller
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 ===== On the Detection of Cyanocyclopentadienes in the ISM ===== ===== On the Detection of Cyanocyclopentadienes in the ISM =====
 +M. C. McCarthy, K. L. K. Lee, R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, C. N. Shingledecker, S. B. Charnley, M. A. Cordiner, E. Herbst, S. Kalenskii, E. R. Willis, C. Xue, A. J. Remijan, and B. A. McGuire\\
 +reported on the\\
 +**[[https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-020-01213-y|Interstellar detection of the highly polar five-membered ring cyanocyclopentadiene]]**\\
 +//Nat. Astron.// **5**, 176 (2021).\\
 +1-Cyanocyclopentadiene it was in this case. The observations were obtained in the course of the line survey Green Bank Telescope Observations of TMC-1: Hunting for Aromatic Molecules. The data were recorded with very high resolution which resolves, at least in part, the complex velocity structure and the <sup>14</sup>N hyperfine structure splitting. The molecule was indentified through line-stacking with quite decent signal-to-noise ratio.\\
 +K. L. K. Lee, P. B. Changala, R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, C. Xue, M. A. Cordiner, S. B. Charnley, M. C. McCarthy, and B. A. McGuire\\
 +reported on the\\
 +**[[https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/abe764|Interstellar Detection of 2-cyanocyclopentadiene, C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>5</sub>CN, a Second Five-membered Ring toward TMC-1]]**\\
 +//Astrophys. J. Lett.// **910**, L2 (2021).\\
 +Same procedure, albeit new observations increased the signal-to-noise ratios of both molecules. Some smoothing reavealed individual lines for 1-cyanocyclopentadiene, which has stronger lines. Four lines were shown.\\
 +Contributor(s): H. S. P. Müller; 04, 2021
  • molecules/ism/cyanocyclopentadien.1618242298.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/04/12 17:44
  • by mueller