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pickett [2019/02/09 22:34] adminpickett [2024/07/11 13:20] (current) mueller
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-====== Everything you always wanted to know about Herb Pickett's spectroscopy programs but were afraid to ask ======+==== Everything you always wanted to know about Herb Pickett's spectroscopy programs but were afraid to ask ====
 Well, I am sure that not all of your problems regarding Herb's programs will be solved after having gone through all the documentations and examples, but hopefully some aspects will have become a bit clearer. Well, I am sure that not all of your problems regarding Herb's programs will be solved after having gone through all the documentations and examples, but hopefully some aspects will have become a bit clearer.
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 At some point later we intend to include information on some other programs that we are using . . . At some point later we intend to include information on some other programs that we are using . . .
-===== Programs, examples, tips, and documentations =====+=== Programs, examples, tips, and documentations === 
 +  * Herb Pickett's documentation for the {{:pdfs:calpgm.pdf |CALPGM program suite}} from July 20, 2004 with installation instructions and links to SPFIT/SPCAT and DPFIT/DPCAT. Several changes and corrections have been made; some of the major changes have been documented briefly. 
 +  * Herb Pickett's documentation for {{:pdfs:spinv.pdf |SPCAT and SPFIT}} from April 26, 2006. 
 +  * Herb Pickett's documentation for {{:pdfs:dpi.pdf |DPCAT and DPFIT}} from July 9, 2005. 
 +  * Remarks on the [[coding|coding of the parameters]]. 
 +  * [[https://cdms.astro.uni-koeln.de/classic/predictions/pickett/beispiele|Examples for the SPFIT/SPCAT]] programs. Unfortunately, at present several README files are in German. Please send an e-mail to Holger Müller if you are in need of more details on the data, the fit, etc. 
 +  * [[https://cdms.astro.uni-koeln.de/classic/predictions/pickett/quelle|Source codes]], Makefile etc., in general written in C. A zip file is also available.\\ **Nov. 2007**: New program versions are available. They have been tested to some extent. Care is advised with less commonly used features as there is a chance that they have not yet been tested with the most recent version. Background on the changes. Old source codes will still be available ! 
 +If you have any questions, comments, etc. please send an e-mail to Holger Müller: hspm(At)ph1(Dot)uni-koeln(Dot)de. 
 +  * [[coding|Coding]] 
 +  * [[general|General]] 
 +  * [[spcat-considerations|Some considerations for using SPCAT]]
-  * Herb Pickett's documentation for the CALPGM program suite from July 20, 2004 with installation instructions and links to SPFIT/SPCAT and DPFIT/DPCAT. Several changes and corrections have been made; some of the major changes have been documented briefly. 
-  * Herb Pickett's documentation for SPCAT and SPFIT from April 26, 2006. 
-  * Herb Pickett's documentation for DPCAT and DPFIT from July 9, 2005. 
-  * Remarks on the coding of the parameters. 
-  * Examples for the SPFIT/SPCAT programs available on the computer HERA. Unfortunately, at present several README files are in German. Please send an e-mail to me if you are in need of more details on the data, the fit, etc. 
-  * Source codes, Makefile etc., in general written in C. A zip file is also available. 
-Nov. 2007: New program versions are available. They have been tested to some extent. Care is advised with less commonly used features as there is a chance that they have not yet been tested with the most recent version. Background on the changes. Old source codes will still be available ! 
-If you have any questions, comments, etc. please send an e-mail to hspm(At)ph1(Dot)uni-koeln(Dot)de. 
  • pickett.1549748071.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/02/09 22:34
  • by admin