Example Nitryl Chloride, ClNO2

Fermi resonance between n1 and 2n6

The experimental lines were kindly provided by Dr. Johannes Orphal, Paris, France; see the article "The n1 and 2n6 bands of 35ClNO2 (nitryl chloride) around 7.7mm studied by high-resolution Fourier-transform spectroscopy" by J. Orphal, G. Guelachvili, and M. Morillonchapey published in J. Mol. Spectrosc. 166 (1994) 280–286.

Data of the ground vibrational level were obtained from a combined fit of several vibrational bands and 25 pure rotational transitions and were kept fixed in this analysis. The parameters determined for the upper states are the changes to those of the ground vibrational state.
The Fermi resonance term could not be determined independent of the other spectroscopic parameters. Thus, its value was calculated in the article mentioned above by assuming 2n6 had no intensity in the absence of the Fermi resonance. In the present analysis, its value was slightly adjusted to reduce the standard deviation of the fit.

Note: There are different conventions for giving the magnitude of the Fermi interaction term, usually differing by the square root of 2. The unperturbed energies determined for n1 and 2n6 are 1282.43 and 1304.61 cm–1, respectively, and 22.99 cm–1 is the value of the Fermi interaction constant.

The files provided are:

Figure 1 shows a simulation of the bands assuming a zero transition dipole moment for 2n6. Note: the intensity cut-off is clearly visible in order to keep the files comparatively small.

Figure 2 shows a simulation of the n1 band. Some perturbation enhanced transitions with DKa = 4 can be seen. Because of the density of lines they probably can be found only in a double resonance experiment. It should also be kept in mind that the intensity and exact position of the lines is model dependent !

Figure 3 shows the same for 2n6.