The formyl cyanide files HCOCN.* describe a simple example of an asymmetric
top molecule. It is shown in the files HFS.* how to fit hyperfine splitting
in case the values for the splittings are given instead of the frequencies
of the individual hyperfine components.
Note: In case of overlapping hyperfine
components one has to take care that the sum of the weights of the
respective components is 0.5 at least after normalization of the whole
difference to 1 (see
The data were taken from the following article:
M. Bogey, C. Demuynck, J. L. Destombes and Y. Vallee,
Millimeter-Wave Spectrum of Formyl Cyanide, HCOCN:
Centrifugal Distortion and Hyperfine Structure Analysis,
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 172 (2003) 344351. Read the