Example SO35Cl2

The data was taken from the article "Microwave spectroscopic investigation of thionylchloride, SOCl2: hyperfine constants and harmonic force field" by H. S. P. Müller und M. C. L. Gerry, published in J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 90 (1994) 3473–3481.
SO35Cl2 has two identical 35Cl nuclei which give rise to hyperfine structure (quadrupole coupling and spin-rotation) due to their nuclear spins (ICl = 3/2). There is no spin statistic in SO35Cl2. The hyperfine splitting is perturbed because all three off-diagonal quadrupole coupling constants are different from zero.
Initially, only the sequential coupling of the angular momenta was possible in SPFIT and SPCAT:
J + ICl1 = F1;     F1 + ICl2 = F.
Only later, the symmetric coupling of the angular momenta was available:
ICl1 + ICl2 = I;     J + I = F.

Watson's A reduction was used in the fits mentioned above. The results in the S reduction ared equivalent. Finally, the contributions of the cij and the Cii are given in the file contribs.