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molecules:ism:nchccs [2024/05/27 12:41] muellermolecules:ism:nchccs [2024/05/31 14:11] (current) mueller
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 **[[|Laboratory and astronomical discovery of cyanothioketene, NCCHCS, in the cold starless core TMC-1]]**\\ **[[|Laboratory and astronomical discovery of cyanothioketene, NCCHCS, in the cold starless core TMC-1]]**\\
 //Astron. Astrophys.// **686**, (2024), Art. No. L3.\\ //Astron. Astrophys.// **686**, (2024), Art. No. L3.\\
-The molecule was identified in the course of a line survey carried out with the Yebes 40 m dishe. 23 //a//-type transitions with 8 ≤ //J// ≤ 14 and //K<sub>a</sub>// ≤ 2 were detected between 31 and 50 GHz with good to reasnable signal-to-noise ratios. The thioketene to cyanothioketene ratio is as low as ~6.5, while the ratio of the more abundant thioformaldehyde to cyanothioformaldehyde is ~28. Cyanoketene was not detected, and the ketene to cyanoketene is >  +The molecule, which is also known as cyanoethenthione, was identified in the course of a line survey carried out with the Yebes 40 m dishe. 23 //a//-type transitions with 8 ≤ //J// ≤ 14 and //K<sub>a</sub>// ≤ 2 were detected between 31 and 50 GHz with good to reasnable signal-to-noise ratios. The thioketene to cyanothioketene ratio is as low as ~6.5, while the ratio of the more abundant thioformaldehyde to cyanothioformaldehyde is ~28. Cyanoketene was not detected, and the ketene to cyanoketene is > ~430. Judging by the formaldehyde to cyanoformaldehyde ratio of ~1400, the observation of cyanoketene may require only a modest increase in sensitivity.\\
-the formaldehyde to cyanoformaldehyde\\+
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  • molecules/ism/nchccs.1716806496.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/05/27 12:41
  • by mueller