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molecules:ism:po [2024/08/21 16:24] muellermolecules:ism:po [2024/08/21 16:33] (current) mueller
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 **[[|ATOMIUM: Molecular Inventory of 17 Oxygen-rich Evolved Stars Observed with ALMA]]**\\ **[[|ATOMIUM: Molecular Inventory of 17 Oxygen-rich Evolved Stars Observed with ALMA]]**\\
 //Astron. Astrophys.// **681**, Art. No. A50 (2024).\\ //Astron. Astrophys.// **681**, Art. No. A50 (2024).\\
- +The authors detect in their ALMA measurements in Band 6 vibrationally excited PO toward AH Sco, IRC+10011, IRC−10529, 
 +R Hya, and S Pav. The Ω = 3/2, //J// = 11/2 − 9/2, //F// = 6 − 5 and 5 − 4 lines near 239.9 GHz with unresolved Λ-doubling were detected near the //v// = 0, Ω = 1/2, //J// = 11/2 − 9/2, //F// = 6 − 5 and 5 − 4 //e//-lines near 240.0 GHz; the //f//-lines were not covered.\\ 
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  • molecules/ism/po.1724250281.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/08/21 16:24
  • by mueller