Example Carbon Monoxide, CO


The present CO fits are the most simple examples of how to use the programs SPFIT and SPCAT for fitting and predicting spectra. Two fits are presented, one with three parameters: the rotational constant B, and the quartic and sextic centrifugal distortion constants D and H. In the second fit, the octic centrifugal distortion constant L has been included in the fit additionally.

The first line contains the title and the date of the latest fit. In the second line it is indicated that there are 3 (or 4) parameters, 31 experimental lines, and a maximum of 4 iterations per fitting round. If the number of the parameters or lines is increased the respective number has to be changed in the parameter file. The program adjusts numbers that are too large. The third line indicates that parameters are labeled according to spinl.nam, that quantum numbers for a symmetric rotor are used, that the spin mulitplicity is one, that there is only one vibrational state with minimum and maximum Ka being 0 (after all, CO is a linear molecule), and that spin statistics can be ignored (weighting for even and odd states is the same !).

The experimental lines were summarized in the article "Sub-Doppler Measurements on the Rotational Transitions of Carbon Monoxide" by G. Winnewisser, S. P. Belov, Th. Klaus, and R. Schieder published in J. Mol. Spectrosc. 184 (1997) 468–472.

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